A People's H..

Howard Zinn

Inferno: The..

Max Hastings

The Civil Wa..

Shelby Foote

Nuclear War:..

Annie Jacobsen

Give Me Tomo..

Patrick K. O'Donnell

The Wide Wid..

Hampton Sides

Nexus: A Bri..

Yuval Noah Harari

The Small an..

Sharon McMahon

The Devil in..

Erik Larson

The Parasiti..

Gad Saad

The Demon of..

Erik Larson

The Frontier..

Allan W. Eckert

A People's H..

Howard Zinn

The Rise and..

William L. Shirer

The Warmth o..

Isabel Wilkerson

The Spy and ..

Ben Macintyre

Endurance: S..

Alfred Lansing

A Fever in t..

Timothy Egan

21 Lessons f..

Yuval Noah Harari

The Barn: Th..

Wright Thompson

In the Garde..

Erik Larson

Lawrence in ..

Scott Anderson

Jerusalem: T..

Simon Sebag Montefiore

Alexander th..

Anthony Everitt

With the Old..

E.B. Sledge

Rogue Heroes..

Ben Macintyre

When Crack W..

Donovan X. Ramsey

Fire and For..

John C. McManus

Confronting ..

Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard

Island Infer..

John C. McManus

The Situatio..

George Stephanopoulos


David Hackett Fischer

The Worst Ha..

Timothy Egan

Book and Dag..

Elyse Graham

The Quiet Am..

Scott Anderson

The Emerald ..

M. Doreal

The Earth is..

Peter Cozzens

In the Heart..

Nathaniel Philbrick

The Bomber M..

Malcolm Gladwell

When Hitler ..

Giles Milton

American Mid..

Adam Hochschild

Arc of Justi..

Kevin Boyle

Bill O'Reill..

David Fisher

The Slave's ..

Manisha Sinha

Kent State :..

Brian VanDeMark

Killing the ..

Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard

Blitzed: Dru..

Norman Ohler, Shaun Whiteside & Claire Bloom


Stephen Fry

Charlie Wils..

George Crile

Killing the ..

Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard

We Were Sold..

Joseph L. Galloway & Harold G. Moore

The Splendid..

Erik Larson

In the Kingd..

Hampton Sides

Agent Zigzag..

Ben Macintyre

Henry V: The..

Dan Jones


Tom Holland

A Rare Recor..

Carl Jung

SPQR : A His..

Mary Beard

Rooted: The ..

Bre'a Baker

A Short Hist..

Bill Bryson

Blood and Th..

Hampton Sides

Medical Apar..

Harriet A. Washington

The Hundred ..

Rashid Khalidi

Black Hearts..

Jim Frederick

Chariots of ..

Erich von Däniken

On Killing..

Lieutenant Colonel Dave Grossman

The Cross an..

James H. Cone

Cowboys, Mou..

Matthew P. Mayo

Chasing Beau..

Natalie Dykstra

The Hamilton..

William Hogeland

An Indigenou..

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

King Leopold..

Adam Hochschild

Sea Stories..

Admiral William H. McRaven

How to Hide ..

Daniel Immerwahr

Killing the ..

Bill O'Reilly & Martin Dugard

Rebels at Se..

Eric Jay Dolin

Making The P..

Lindsay M. Chervinsky

The Origins ..

Hannah Arendt

Travels with..

Nathaniel Philbrick

The Rise and..

Toby Wilkinson

American Rep..

Alan Taylor

Relentless S..

Sean Naylor

Black agains..

Joshua Bloom & Waldo E. Martin Jr.

The Decline ..

Edward Gibbon

The Storm of..

Ernst Jünger & Basil Creighton

When Women R..

Kara Cooney


Kyle Chayka

The Black De..

Dorsey Armstrong & The Great Courses

Project Gemi..

Charles River Editors

The Rediscov..

Ned Blackhawk

Facing the M..

Daniel James Brown

A Rare Recor..

Carl Jung

They Thought..

Milton Mayer

Anne Frank: ..

Anne Frank

Blind Man's ..

Sherry Sontag & Christopher Drew

The Plantage..

Dan Jones

The Anatomy ..

Robert O. Paxton

Sam Houston ..

Brian Kilmeade

The 1619 Pro..

Nikole Hannah-Jones, The New York Times Magazine, Caitlin Roper, Ilena SIlverman & Jake Silverstein